Our Leaders in Training Program:
Fosters lifelong skills in leadership and communication
We work with teens, 13-17, to grow their confidence and resilience while practicing the skills of an effective and respectable leader: conflict resolution, collaboration, active listening and effective communication.
At Longleaf, our Leaders-in-Training program is thoughtfully designed to mentor young adults in developing group management and leadership skills. Trainees, ages 13-17, will work alongside their staff mentors to recognize and practice their strengths, and continue seeking opportunities for growth. They will create measurable goals for their experience with us and be supported throughout their experience to achieve these goals.
Leaders-in-Training play an important role in aiding our staff and helping children engage with the environment and their peers.
Candidates should:
Be a positive role model and actively participate
Demonstrate an appreciation for the natural world
Arrive on time
Be willing to share their enthusiasm and be silly
Be open to trying new things
Embrace each day with a positive attitude
Attend a mandatory LIT training hour (Friday 6/6 for camps)
Attend minimum of 4 weeks (Sept-May), or 2 weeks (June-Aug), to be fully immersed in the program and to achieve LIT goals
Have prior relevant experience such as a nature-based camp or program
Program cost:
Summer: $125/week (or $100/week for 4-day camp week) 9am-3pm, except Fridays, which run 9am-1pm
Fall through Spring: $100 per 4-week session for one day per week, 9am-1pm
Program dates: See camp dates for summer. Flexible start and end dates Sept-May)
A Typical Day
Leaders-in-Training will arrive at the farm at 9am with the same gear required of our students (warm layers, a water bottle, a change of clothes and a healthy snack and lunch, a backpack). They may be asked to help teachers finish setting up, or to greet children as they arrive and play with them.
At snack and lunch they might help out with hand washing, passing out sit pads, or reading a story while the children get seated and begin eating.
During free play, exploration and teacher-led activity times the LIT will model good listening skills, following directions, and gently helping the young children do the same. They will work with staff to sharpen their language with group management skills, learning ways to help children navigate their feelings and peer interactions.
The role of the Leaders In Training will vary at times as we help individuals work on their personal goals. LIT will meet with staff briefly at 1:15pm to discuss the day and our plans for the following day before heading home at 1:30pm.