Our Forest School is

Play-based and Place-based

with a child-directed, emergent curriculum

What is an emergent curriculum?

Rooted in the work of early childhood theorists like Dewey, Piaget, and Vygotsky, emergent curriculum is a process where teachers plan activities and projects in response to a specific group of children they are working with, taking into account their skills, needs, and interests. It can be practiced at any grade level.


A Day at our Forest School

We begin our time together with movement and free play. Around 9:45am we pause for a snack, and then enter our longer period of unstructured play and choice time. Teachers set out learning invitations, facilitate an optional activity, and move around helping children navigate the opportunities. During this window, choice is the name of the game: engage with what teachers have provided or play freely as children feel pulled. This older group will split off from the littles to engage in different opportunities around 11:00am. This part of our day lets us hone skills related to nature journaling, fire building, team challenges, and ethnobotany, among others. Our days include: instructor-guided activity, unstructured free play, group games, ‘sit-spots’, creative opportunities and mindfulness practice, as well as all the science, mathematics and literacy that gets integrated into these activities.


Enrollment Details

  • To be eligible, children should be at least 6.5 by September 1st.

  • 9am-1pm

  • 1 or 2 Day enrollment options on Mondays and Wednesdays

  • Most Fridays we will offer a Drop-in Forest School beginning 9/20

  • 24-25 Program dates: Wednesday 9/4 through Wednesday 5/28

  • 30-day notice required for program cancellation

School Fees 2024-25

  • All school fees are split into 10 equal monthly payments beginning August 15th, with the final payment due May 15th.

  • 1 morning: $1,500 for year ($150 due per month 8/15-5/15)

  • 2 mornings: $2,600 for year ($260 due per month 8/15-5/15)

  • Drop-in: $40 per school day, if space available