Our Forest Preschool is:
Play-based and Place-based
using a Child-directed, Emergent Curriculum
Place-based? Emergent curriculum?
Rooted in the work of early childhood theorists like Dewey, Piaget, and Vygotsky, emergent curriculum is a process where teachers plan activities and projects in response to a specific group of children they are working with, taking into account their skills, needs, and interests. It can be practiced at any grade level. Place-based education connects learners to their local human and natural communities, using hands-on, relevant, real-world learning.
A Day with Longleaf Forest Preschool
We begin our mornings with movement and free play. Later, we gather for a Morning Meeting that includes a mindfulness practice, along with a story, a song or a conversation that’s documented in our big book. Daily activities vary throughout the year based on the seasons and children’s interests. Forest School always includes plenty of unstructured, free play.
What else do we do?
Invitations to work with various art materials
Building forts with found materials
Exploring and investigating the natural world
Building Fires and Cooking
Quiet-time with a nature journal
And…all kinds of science, mathematics and literacy that gets integrated into these activities
To be eligible, students should be at least 3 years old by September 1st and have not yet turned 7.
Enrollment Details
5 , 4, 3 and 2 Day Enrollment Options
School Fees 2025-26
School fees are divided into 10 equal monthly payments beginning August 15th, with the final payment due May 15th.
5 mornings: $7,900
4 mornings: $6,350
3 mornings: $4,850
2 mornings: $3,300
Drop-ins: $40 per school day for ages 4+, when space available
More Details
For the 2025-26 school year, we will meet most days at RambleRill Farm, with 1-2 field trip days per month to local parks.
Snacks and lunch are provided by families.
We generally follow the Durham and Orange County Public Schools academic calendar and will close for certain holidays, breaks, teacher work days and staff professional development.
We are limited by the state to a 4 hour program since the state of NC does not currently license nature-based preschools.
In future years, as we grow, we plan to offer financial assistance. As a very small program, that isn’t possible yet, unfortunately. However, if a program like this is just what you’d want for your child, but the cost truly isn’t possible, please inquire about options for work/trade.