Useful Tools

One of our regular field trip locations is Hollow Rock Nature Park. This park was formed only a few years back when both Orange and Durham County, as well as the Triangle Land Conservancy, combined forced and raised funds to purchase and preserve the property.

We have a little play area set back in the forest, where some other group erected an awesome fort that drew us in a few years back. Since then, this is our main play area at the park. A few months ago a small tree fell, blocking the trail we follow to get to this awesome spot. No problem for little legs, but for out wagon filled with learning supplies, it wasn’t passable. Finally one day we busted out the folding saw, deciding we’d open the path back up once and for all.

Everyone wanted a turn sawing away the tree. Some children were surprised by how hard it was to make any progress at all. For a few of the children it was their first time using a hand saw. I stood very close and helped manage tool safety. But many hands make lighter work and before long we got through the log.

What we didn’t expect was the fun that would arise AFTER we were finished. Because of the way the tree had fallen, entangled with another tree, it created a perfectly bouncy tree. Opportunities like these bring both joy AND conflict, as the children practice navigating how to share this amazing toy that everyone wants to use, and everyone wants to control.

And so it goes. The learning continues and the fun is had.


Mixing it Up